Sunday, January 6, 2008

Indian Nights

Who is not Indian and absolutely crazy about Indian food? Well, we are.
We must have been Indian in our prior encarnation because there is something about the smells and the flavours, the colors that keep attracting us to enjoy it.
We had so much fun last night with our dear friends, trying to improve as always our entertaining skills. Entertaining has so many secrets and sadly I can say I wasn't born with all the social skills of the upper classes; I had to learn and stop myself more than once for making the wrong comment or being politically correct.
Political correctness does not happen easily and requires a lot of self restraint. I enjoy the heated political discrepancy but I learnt the hard way never to initiate it. Well, partially that happened last night. The hooch adds to the flavor of the conversation and the best part is that most of the conversants will not remember anything the next morning, but I will, and that is the part I enhjoy the most. The leftovers of the night, the comments, inuendos and little mysteries undiscovered...
To be continued...

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